An unforgettable sight is the raising of the drawbridges while the midnight sun hovers low in the sky.
It was an enthralling, unforgettable sight for a small, romantically minded boy.
In winter, under thick snow cover, Golak offers unforgettable and unique sights.
To the men aboard, this historic armada is still remembered as "the most impressive, unforgettable" sight they had ever seen.
That dramatically expanding landscape was a glorious and unforgettable sight, yet Spenser could give it only half his attention.
From the top of the steel headgear, they made an unforgettable sight in the rich yellow light of early morning.
An unforgettable sight, that should be seen at night for maximum effect.
Not much more to say, an unforgettable sight.
"To see flocks of 20, 50 or 200 terns feeding is an unforgettable sight," the women wrote.
Its Norman cathedral and piazza, perched above the sea, are an unforgettable sight.