Every time Cadfael raised his eyes to take a fresh look at her he found her more at ease in this unforeseen situation.
Basically it was an ad hoc remedy forged to meet a harsh or an unforeseen situation.
The pursers are the public face of the company and have to deal with many unforeseen situations that might occur to the passengers.
This is achieved thanks to both the intrinsic robustness of the control architecture, and its adaptation capabilities to unforeseen situations.
This can pose a problem when an unforeseen situation arises.
You might use them to hook up the trailer to your tow vehicle or to have handy for some unforeseen situation.
Quickly identifies additional crew resources to meet unforeseen situations.
T'Cael's presence here, in this unforeseen situation, proved George's point for him, and not pleasantly.
It is always advisable to have several months' validity on the passport in case of unforeseen situations.