But it unfolds at a monotonous, gradual pace that requires extraordinary concentration.
Days unfold at a leisurely pace at the seaside in Flanders.
Regardless of the reasons behind the decision to award the contract to Lockheed, the project is set to unfold at an expensive pace.
Minutes into the raids, they say, the police were helplessly pinned down and a night of terror was unfolding at a swift pace.
It is an ambitious dance that unfolds, toward the end, at too leisurely and idiosyncratic a pace.
They're making these dramas unfold at a realistic pace.
Long Island unfolds before me at a leisurely pace.
But the story unfolds at a more direct, almost methodical pace.
Unfolding at a slower pace, the disaster at the north tower will require study before it can be explained in such detail.
A. The most interesting thing that's beginning to unfold at an increasing pace is molecular biology, molecular genetics.