The party's founding unfolded, amid police harassment, in three acts: the first in a garden house, the second in a cafe, the third in an apartment.
The large and small tragedies of the exodus from Kosovo unfolded amid the increasingly chaotic influx of refugees.
He added: "The Iran-contra scheme unfolded amid extraordinary secrecy.
Unlike the rounds of base closings, this one is unfolding amid heightened concern about national security and during an expansion in the overall size of the military.
Not since 1972 has a presidential campaign unfolded amid continuing combat.
The Turkish diplomatic efforts unfolded amid growing maneuvers across the region to avert an American invasion of Iraq.
But the kind of charges now surrounding Smith Barney, slowly unfolding for years amid competing claims and counterclaims, are more typical.
At first it's reassuring to see the race unfold amid the sights and sounds of the city; I feel connected to my hometown then.
And what offered more proof than the scene unfolding before her amid the graduated cylinders, gas spigots and molecule models of her own lab.
Fast Pace Set The Travers unfolded amid steady rain that began again six minutes before post time, and there were no surprises in the early going.