And unlike other politicians, he appears somewhat stoical, at least publicly, about unflattering stories.
When the press nevertheless began to air unflattering stories about Mr. Perot, he simply withdrew.
And while unflattering stories and even photos can be denied or spun, it's much more difficult to re-contextualize a video.
If unflattering stories cropped up in the press, the Democrats decried the low road taken by Bush-Quayle "operatives."
According to a long and very unflattering story in the Times, Walter had made quite a mess of his professional life out there in the nation's capital.
He didn't want you to write any unflattering stories about him or the Force.
Conversely, the dour Dole stereotype also helps explain why unflattering stories about his personal life hardly draw notice.
It was a stunning if unflattering story for Gertrude Schuyler to take back on the train: She had nearly drowned.
The editors agree that many people are unhappy that unflattering stories about them remain on the web for a long time.
Burson-Marsteller contacted a number of media companies and bloggers in an effort to get them to write unflattering stories about Google.