Anna is especially upset when she discovers Portia's diary and finds unflattering references to herself.
And there are a few rather unflattering references to NCPR.
Mr. Ovitz laughs at such a notion, pointing out unflattering references to him in recent months.
They included unflattering references to merchants, which the rabbi wanted expunged.
Her article was subverted by recurrent unflattering references to Stoppard's attitudes and various preferences.
All these factors forced excessive use of timber, and hence the unflattering reference for the little craft.
The stranger winked and smiled at Carol's unflattering reference as if it had been a compliment.
But an unusually large proportion of the Dublin population did sue Joyce for unflattering references in his fiction.
His technique was universally praised, usually by unflattering reference to that of his rival, Legrand.
"Apparently, when he was released his first words as a freed man were some unflattering references to you."