Prior to the match, two Italian journalists wrote unflattering articles about the host country.
At one point, Abraham made a show of crumpling into a ball a copy of an unflattering article he had taped to his locker last year for added motivation.
But Larry, in standard form for his end-of-season cliffhangers, is obviously rattled, especially about an unflattering article that someone, he's convinced, planted in Daily Variety.
The Concord itself was banned for three weeks last year after printing what the authorities considered an unflattering article about General Babangida.
In the final days of the campaign, two Toronto newspapers ran unflattering articles about Van Horne, to which he threatened to sue the authors.
The Brazilian press got hold of the report and produced unflattering articles describing its contents.
Senior politicians are quick to sue journalists and their publications for unflattering articles'.
He was recently the subject of an unflattering article in Tygodnik Solidarnosc, the weekly paper with close ties to the Walesa camp.
Two Italian journalists had written unflattering articles about the host country.
The decision resulted in unflattering articles in several newspapers, and in May, the administration canceled the new contracts under pressure.