Before, during and after the funeral, stories of Mr. Goldstein's unflagging energy filled the air.
K't'lk's unflagging energy fascinated him too.
Gerard Schwarz was on the podium, and the orchestra was not only in fine shape but also seemed to be drawing on an unflagging energy.
Hunter, who is well named, is irritated when his brothers, no slouches in the hunting department, don't share his unflagging energy for the sport.
In France, the question is whether even a man of his unflagging energy can remake Renault's image.
Yet the actor suggests that the unflagging energy is actually a form of self-preservation, a means of getting from one disappointment to the next.
As Ms. Gupta talks, she has so much unflagging energy that you have to ask: Does she ever feel wiped out?
Then he moved into the cinema and, with his customary unflagging energy, set up a series of films in keeping with the jingoistic spirit of the times.
Known for his unflagging energy, Dr. Cerf maintains a frenetic schedule, doing some of his best work, he said, between 3 and 5 a.m.
This unflagging energy has characterized his entire career.