I went from an extremely unfit person to an extremely fit person.
A more entirely unfit person to advise anybody, I tell you again, never lived.
More like ritual execution of criminals and hopelessly unfit persons.
Zhing-Zhong now also means anything that is low-quality, even a person unfit for their occupation or station in life can be described as "zhing-zhong".
To an unfit person (Bechler had spent the winter in Baltimore), 85 degrees is hot.
These cramps occur more frequently in an unfit, overweight person who is unaccustomed to exercising in hot weather.
I must point out that I am not an unfit person as I do train but would rate myself at a moderate level of fitness.
The unfit person will tend to be flabby and possibly fat.
This abuse draws into the church the children of the nobility, and other unfit persons, who have a taste for expense.
In this way, the Senate has power to reject unfit persons and hope to guide the intelligence community to whatever way they feel best.