The "industrial schools" housed thousands of children who were orphans, delinquents or born to single mothers considered unfit parents by church authorities.
Mr. Horn said new welfare demands might expose an unfit parent whose children are better off in foster care.
Chris was angry over the whole situation and accused Toni of being an unfit parent.
People are just itching to declare somebody an unfit parent and put some kid in a foster home, hey but that's just been my experience.
She left her house to rouse some unfit parents and rescue their neglected child.
Children can be taken away in special "scandal" squares that show the unfit parent holding the child on the television news.
Surely you wouldn't place an innocent baby with unfit parents!
But, he said, those presumed to be unfit parents because of their criminal convictions should have a chance to prove otherwise.
There is no evidence in the psychological literature to indicate that older parents are unfit parents.
She says she's going to put Erin in foster care because we're unfit parents.