The narrative is not always comprehensible, and the ambiguous ending gives the play an unfinished quality.
"It's got a kind of unfinished, unjust quality about it," she said.
Although the church still has a certain unfinished quality, it has already been used for civic events.
This unfinished quality is what makes them, in the end, so painfully human.
When something carries unfinished qualities primary questions and doubts emerge again in the object, exposing it to a greater fragility.
Because this volume is composed of essays written for assorted publications, it has an improvised, unfinished quality.
Still, the relation to a woman like Lena took on some unfinished quality, like a problem to be solved.
There was an unfinished quality to his statement that reached me if no one else.
There's an odd, unfinished quality about the presentation that may at times make you feel you've wandered into a voice-over recording session.
The slightly raw, disjunctive, unfinished quality of the some of the work becomes part of its power.