Rough unfinished concrete with shallow pools of water on it and whoever had left me there had thoughtfully dumped me right in the centre of the largest puddle.
The ceiling and walls were unfinished concrete.
The outer walls were unfinished concrete, and walking from tank to tank was as compelling as meandering from exit to exit on the New Jersey Turnpike.
Similarly to Yorkdale Station, the interior walls of the station at platform level are unfinished concrete, and curve over the tracks to form a lower ceiling.
The exterior is painted unfinished concrete.
The interior walls are unfinished concrete, to which sound-absorbent acoustical panels (made of fabric-covered wood) are attached.
For Ito, the unfinished concrete and granite walls and floors are inspiration enough.
The floors were unfinished concrete.
The lonely click of his heels echoed off walls of unfinished concrete.
Almost as soon as the bus pulled away from the ugly mess of unfinished concrete at the ejido entrance station we entered another world.