In Africa, millions have perished from the effects of unfiltered sunlight.
Dirty vacuum, lit by unfiltered sunlight, very pretty when seen from a hilltop with the right girl beside you.
Patches of unfiltered sunlight flickered across lower foliage like diaphanous butterflies.
But two robots built for unfiltered sunlight might still be useful.
Larry looks so much better, Grandpa, since you've had him working out," she said, "and getting out in the unfiltered sunlight.
Just to the right of where they sat was a tiny courtyard into which spilled sunlight unfiltered by either tree branch or roof eave.
Watusi genes, sun-blackened further in the unfiltered sunlight of space.
The ship's wall protected them from unfiltered sunlight by imposing a black patch on the sun.
He cautiously grasped the plastic section and pulled it out into unfiltered sunlight.
J.B. crawled ahead, into the circle of unfiltered sunlight.