This created a very unfavorable situation for Boleslaw, and in effect it led to civil war, with over-lordship of entire country at stake.
The unfavorable situation was compounded by bad weather and an alarming increase in sickness among the troops.
In spite of the unfavorable situation, I decided to attack the Rumanian positions without artillery support.
"And unless we get an increase in the minimum wage and funds for school, we will continue to live in an unfavorable situation."
We caught Sarakos in an unfavorable situation and thought to destroy him in a great battle.
They are counterproductive in that they destroy one's peace of mind and lead to unfavorable future situations.
Those are some of the reasons why the Democrats face an apparently unfavorable economic situation with considerable optimism.
Finally, due to an unfavorable strategic situation at the front, the Russian troops left the fort at the end of August 1915.
Even under this unfavorable situation, Rami tried to reform the post-war economy and the navy, but his term was too short to carry these reforms through.
They may remain passive in the face of unfavorable situations.