Registration creates a trail, making it more difficult to suppress unfavorable results.
Miller was a responsible physicist who repeated, in the twenties, the famous Michelson-Morley experiment, obtaining results unfavorable to relativity.
An old or soiled one, implies unfavorable results from your labors.
Some academic researchers argue that registration of clinical trials at their inception will prevent companies from hiding unfavorable results or stopping such trials before completion.
Studies show a link between anxious behavior and risk, the chance that an outcome will have an unfavorable result.
Robilard makes demands, which Ilna fulfills, though to unfavorable results.
"I said the fact that you succeeded in both examples does not alter the fact that unfavorable results were possible at the outset."
Similar experiments have been tried, with largely unfavorable results, in other Latin American countries where the military is also searching for new, nonpolitical roles.
This disastrous ending belies the otherwise mixed but not unfavorable results of the French era.
For example, favorable tests results do not guarantee good health, and unfavorable results do not necessarily mean that the individual will develop the disease.