A gambler is someone who wagers at unfavorable odds.
Those unfavorable odds may be offset, however, by the unaccustomed advantage of having three incumbents.
Her eyes returned again and again to their opponents, adding up the unfavorable odds, rejecting the sum and trying again with no better luck.
Iheir only concession to the unfavorable odds was to pointedly avoid speaking of them.
However, despite all this pressure and the unfavorable odds, dating can be a lot of fun.
They were fine warriors, often* victorious, never daunted by unfavorable odds.
Having flown three conventional night-time bombing missions, Gastello was facing increasingly unfavorable odds.
Even if he's forced to offer battle against unfavorable odds, he'll probably give at least as good as he gets.
It is counterintuitive that you bet more when some of the bet is at unfavorable odds.
I have a lot of experience in taking on situations with unfavorable odds.