Keiko had made more than a few unfavorable comments about the easy partnership between O'Brien and Li.
No loud caterwauling, to attract unfavorable comment!
"We... pass on pictures we know will get us nothing but unfavorable comments and cancellations," one confided.
Not long after the film's release, Connelly made unfavorable comments about Scorsese and the film.
For a woman to dream of indulgence, denotes that she will not escape unfavorable comment on her conduct.
"The tax was poorly thought out, I think, and it's causing a great deal of unfavorable comment."
Blue's Texas record was shady, and was seldom alluded to, as unfavorable comment had turned out to be hazardous.
This, combined with the hype surrounding Arc and its generally slow development pace, has gathered some unfavorable comments.
The bill died in committee (April 9, 2002) because of an unfavorable executive comment received from the Department of Defense.
Cellular stocks plunged the next day and have been wobbling with every wave of favorable and unfavorable comment on the cellular industry.