"I would think that controlling a Bard, someone of such unfathomable power, might even be beyond your capabilities, my dear."
What a priceless catch the exotic timefishers had made in this quiet, repressive woman with the unfathomable mental powers.
He had not been given unfathomable power to abuse it or use it for personal gain.
But Goratschin had brought his unfathomable mental powers to bear on the automaton, causing fusion of enough calcium atoms to destroy it from within.
The necklace holds unfathomable power that Fox cannot control.
The Caleban are extra-dimensional beings of enormous, almost unfathomable power.
Seemingly, he had been struck down by the invisible hand of Shiwan Khan, in new evidence of the controlling master's unfathomable powers.
There in the noisy restaurant, she became a Southern preacher talking about Daniel in the lion's den and the unfathomable power of the deity.
It simply underscores the power of destiny while acknowledging how unfathomable that power can be.
The book is written about a group of three men who stumble upon enchanted armor of unfathomable, immense powers that they have no clue about.