A great unfamiliar noise came from almost directly above them.
The alien heat, the smells and unfamiliar noises, disturbed him.
They started at every unfamiliar noise, twisted their heads to follow each person who passed them in the corridors.
There'd been a few little things moving in the jungle below, and the sort of strange, unfamiliar noises any new world offered.
How long they would have bickered he did not know, but just then his ears caught an unfamiliar noise.
From day 25, the young cease calling and become silent if they hear an unfamiliar noise.
It was an unfamiliar noise among the many familiar ones which at the moment filled the corrie.
He looked around in all directions for the source of the unfamiliar noise, but could find nothing out of the ordinary.
Any unfamiliar noise would bring Harry to alert attention.
The dog was expected to walk calmly through a crowd and endure the unfamiliar noises.