This animal sometimes uses echolocation to orient itself in unfamiliar locations.
"Two-step" authentication, in which mobile phones have to be used to confirm changes to the account and logins from unfamiliar locations.
They are confident and comfortable in unfamiliar locations, and are stable around strange noises and unfamiliar people.
He would never have given her an assignment as difficult as a failure of the humanity test in a remote and unfamiliar location.
The movement of urban children of all classes to unfamiliar rural locations, without their parents, had a major impact.
TIRED of trying to unfold, read and refold road maps in heavy traffic while looking for an unfamiliar location?
A subsequent scene shows Timoteo sitting in a bar in an unfamiliar location on a hot day.
While booking it, I felt as if I was in control to a degree that I'd never been while selecting a hotel in an unfamiliar location.
They would choose an exotic location unfamiliar to Westerners.
The album begins with a knock at the door, and the sound of footsteps as a stranger wanders into an unfamiliar location.