Detecting them is a tricky business, especially in unfamiliar cultures and languages.
The influx of female tourists on the beach, who typically dress in a more revealing fashion, introduces a culture unfamiliar to the region.
The experience proved to be an important and formative one, sparking his lifelong interest in studying unfamiliar cultures.
But most crucial, many delegates and former delegates say, is how the meetings have deepened their understanding of unfamiliar cultures.
It is not just spoken language that can create havoc for those trying to make their way in an unfamiliar culture.
As a practical matter, he was a tourist visiting a planet which provided a range of unfamiliar culture, architecture, and wildlife.
But Lanier and the others soon became disillusioned by what they said were broken contract promises, poor playing conditions and an unfamiliar culture.
That task is particularly hard, though, for mothers who must learn themselves: an unfamiliar culture, a new language, a different way of life.
The far-future world she imagines, extrapolated from a contemporary culture unfamiliar to most readers, is full of provocative surprises.
Mr. Buchanan has long seemed apprehensive about unfamiliar cultures.