In addition to her lover, the unfaithful woman also turns out to have a husband already.
The song - which blamed unfaithful men for creating unfaithful women - became the first No. 1 Billboard country hit for a solo female artist.
An unfaithful woman doesn't stop noticing her children, nor does she burn her house down.
He also reveals that he will further continue his killing spree and murder all unfaithful women.
So an unfaithful woman (hopping from man to man) became known as 'a grasshopper'.
The themes covered by the instructions include respect for religion, motherhood, honesty, restraint and the avoidance of relations with unfaithful women.
The evil king tell a lie, accused Sri Tanjung as a lustful unfaithful woman that tried to seduce him.
He then adds a characteristic verse on unfaithful women and this woman in particular.
Men must learn to cry, cook, and accept women who are career oriented, competitive, and unfaithful.
"The law says-tradition has always said-that a woman so grossly unfaithful can be, even should be, burned alive."