But I doubt you care about how many people are punished unfairly.
Government employees who believe they have been punished unfairly will be able to go to court.
Union leaders have complained that employees were being unfairly punished.
The poor are being unfairly punished to fit them for the coming winter.
"I just think he feels he's being unfairly punished."
Sergeant Rhoades says he is being punished unfairly for techniques that have long been part of basic training.
Civil liberties advocates say the restrictions unfairly punish people who have already served their sentences.
So if students are held back, required to attend summer school or denied diplomas largely because of a single test, many will be punished unfairly.
Central to the arguments is a belief that the last year's welfare changes unfairly punished immigrants who paid taxes and broke no laws.
Judge Sweet pointed out that some of the deaf inmates had been punished unfairly because they did not understand a guard's orders.