Richard Green, executive director of the Crown Heights Youth Collective, said the report unfairly placed the onus for the disturbances on black youths.
The owners argue the ordinance unfairly places restaurants with bar areas at a severe competitive disadvantage to competitors with stand-alone bars.
Retailers and small businesses have complained that the current system unfairly places at a disadvantage the traditional retailers that do not sell their wares online and must charge sales tax.
Wellington unfairly placed most of the blame for the losses on Blake, while a dispatch read in the Spanish 'Cádiz Cortes' implied that the British had played only a minor role in the battle..
"It is time to put an end to their unacceptable misuse that unfairly places so many workers' jobs in jeopardy."
Although the film brought much attention to the murder of Von Stein, devotees of the role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons have criticized it for unfairly placing blame of the murders upon the game.
"This amendment further strengthens this power without unfairly placing on school officials the burden of determining what is protected."
This leads to a disproportionate amount of lower and minority children placed unfairly into lower track groups.
Senator John Heinz, a Pennsylvania Republican who requested the report, had complained that long lags were hampering investigations and unfairly placing suspicion on innocent crew members.
The agreement grew out of promises by Mr. Sessions to eliminate any policy or procedure that unfairly placed any minority group at a disadvantage in the bureau.