Plaintiffs' lawyers oppose the bill, saying it would unfairly limit compensation for the loss of a child or a spouse, or a limb or sight.
This is the exact equivalent of what the Tonys are doing, and who benefits beside the few blockbusters that can unfairly limit their competition?
Yet, there are students, particularly women, who say the male clubs unfairly limit their opportunities.
Governor Kean and the state's insurance industry also support the proposed revision; however, trial lawyers oppose it, saying it would unfairly limit the public's right to sue.
The legislation has been opposed by trial lawyers and labor unions, who say it would unfairly limit their access to the courts.
These restrictions unfairly limit American companies.
Canada has complained that Federal and state alcohol taxes in the United States unfairly limit Canadian beer sales.
The plaintiffs insist that the Japanese are the culprits, and that the recent Supreme Court decisions will unfairly limit meritorious claims.
Some people believe that such systems unfairly limit their freedom to listen to music and watch movies on whatever devices they choose.
Principals, only two of whom sit on each district's 12-member committee, complain that the arrangement unfairly limits their influence.