The most commonly heard argument against the estate tax - that it represents unfair double taxation - is specious.
They were a series of protests undertaken by local farmers and agricultural workers in response to perceived unfair taxation.
This "unfair" taxation led to further dislike of the ruling government.
Excluding last year's capital gains fight, most Democrats have gingerly avoided raising the populist question of unfair taxation.
We have to find a balance between an unfair taxation on the company and a reasonable treatment of the founder-builders-managers.
They charge unfair double taxation, noting that much of the wealth hit by the inheritance tax has already been subject to income and capital gains taxes.
It all sounds pretty regressive to me and fits my definition of unfair taxation.
To boost investor confidence and to help the nearly 10 million seniors who receive dividend income, I ask you to end the unfair double taxation of dividends.
Having made a revolution over unfair taxation, they thought of government support in terms of dollars spent, not abstract symbols.
By all means, the city should exempt middle-income freelancers and small-business owners from unfair double taxation.