Still, just being aware of the issue can keep fund investors from making unfair comparisons.
Perhaps an unfair comparison, because this wasn't the smallest box Standard do.
To some, this is an unfair comparison,as ones' environment supports behavior.
Manning, for the sake of unfair comparison, never lived in a housing project.
Perhaps an unfair comparison, but those who coveted power invited such thoughts.
This is an unfair comparison because the $23 billion we've already spent on the F-22 would be lost if the program were canceled.
Perhaps this is an unfair comparison, for who or what can possibly compete with the intensity of parent-child love?
To compare myself to what I once was would be an unfair comparison.
He is an example of what a determined person can accomplish as well as an unfair comparison to those who can't quite measure up.
It's an unfair comparison, but not completely apples and oranges.