The ocean depths still remain as a largely unexplored part of the planet, and form a relatively undiscovered domain.
"Norrland" was the denomination for all the unexplored northern parts.
He concluded that the library must lie in the unexplored, western part.
Thi - A city that is a relatively unexplored part of Oz.
Even in those unexplored parts of our world there are guards.
Yet how could new knowledge be gained if no one moved off into the unexplored parts of the world?
He disappeared somewhere in the unexplored parts of Bolivia.
More to the west is the mining region, in great part unexplored, but containing deposits of gold, silver, copper and lignite.
Did there exist in the as yet unexplored parts some accomplice ready to enter into communication with them?
The unexplored part of the stream is believed to be more than 100 feet deep and at least four miles long.