A fresh surge hit her, unexpectedly violent.
The fourth place in Honolulu where the manifesto occasioned an unexpectedly violent reaction was in the Japanese consulate, on Nuuanu.
She frequently has unexpectedly violent tantrums over insignificant matters.
The young woman understood that it was not the wetness, but the attitude, that provoked his unexpectedly violent reaction.
Initially, the new campaign had shown great promise, but the sinking of the Sussex provoked an unexpectedly violent reaction from President Wilson.
Even an unexpectedly violent denouement fails to disrupt the film's nostalgic vibe.
Just as one is about to call "Syzygy" a tribute to squirming, the action takes an unexpectedly violent turn, and thrusting arms resemble weapons.
There was the sound of a struggle, brief and unexpectedly violent, then a painful groan that sounded suspiciously like Sanner.
This was an unexpectedly violent reaction to a casual question.
"Except for the end, of course," she said, referring to the unexpectedly violent denouement.