"This is no time for squeamishness," James Taggart spoke up with unexpected vigor, but his voice, too, was oddly low.
"Yes, sir," said Sebell with such unexpected vigor that Master Robinton gave him a mild second look.
After a vain attempt to conciliate Vitellius by the offer of a share in the Empire, Otho, with unexpected vigor, prepared for war.
Master Robinton said with unexpected vigor.
First, however, I must survive this attack, which is being pressed with unexpected vigor.
I know you don't like me,' she said, not sadly but with quite unexpected vigour.
Mr. Artzt has also been showing unexpected vigor in cutting costs, something P.&G. has been slow to do in the past, analysts say.
When he conceded that the drug was similar, Dorothée reacted with unexpected vigor, refusing absolutely to permit the probe.
"Thank you, young man," he said, shaking Ramage's hand with unexpected vigour.
Jobs and paychecks grew with unexpected vigor in December, powerful evidence that the economy was gathering fresh momentum as 1996 ended, Labor Department figures showed today.