The National Football League's revolving door of coaches made a sudden, unexpected stop here today.
An unexpected stop in Malaga for refuelling en route meant we arrived later than expected, leaving us to put up tents around midnight.
The elevator, its thrust suddenly, electronically interrupted, jerked slightly as it mindlessly prepared for the unexpected stop.
Some Hollywood newlyweds make an unexpected stop at divorce court before .
Now all she knew was that she was deep in the bowels of a mountain whose machineries had come to an unexpected stop.
This was just an unexpected stop during a car trip around the westernmost tip of Wales.
Automobile experts warn that if your car is not properly maintained in summer, a vacation could come to an unexpected stop.
Meanwhile, Sundari's dad (Moulee) also makes an unexpected stop there to check on his daughter.
The train made an unexpected stop, and that's when I heard that poor Marshal Cooper had been killed.
Four men make an unexpected stop on their way to destiny.