People who strongly believe in their "iron vote" may have an unexpected outcome.
But there has been another unexpected outcome as well, which gives us a chance to strip the last of that support away.
"This is an unexpected outcome of the merit pay system."
Every one, it seemed, was too dumbfounded to make any comment on the unexpected outcome of the night's adventure.
They too applauded the main event match, calling the unexpected outcome a good way for the crowd to go home happy.
The unexpected outcome of this solution was that it led to even more severe economic problems.
The unexpected outcomes show up only in middle and late Faliscan.
Several forces combined to produce the unexpected outcome, analysts said.
The competition for financing became so fierce, the authors said, that it led to two unexpected outcomes.
An unexpected outcome would be for it to reform itself and fly back into his/her hand immediately after such event were to occur.