Parris fought down a flash of unexpected heat.
Most of those standing in the unexpected heat came simply to say farewell to the dead passengers they knew so well.
Through all this unexpected heat, Neilson has been gracious and optimistic.
Peter's eyes burned with such an unexpected heat he had to blink several times to free them of the tears that threatened to blur his vision.
It tickled her and brought a flood of unexpected heat low in her stomach.
"You just leave me alone now," came the reply with unexpected heat.
It was September, and the world stood lost in this golden haze of unexpected heat.
Right about now, his agent Platt would be feeling an unexpected heat.
Startled into full consciousness, the Rowan felt the unexpected heat of a blush.
Although we were only averaging six to eight miles a day on my tour of Tuscany, unexpected heat made it seem longer for some.