The sight somewhat nauseated Menolly, but she set her jaw and tried to ignore the voracity with which her otherwise gentle companions attacked the unexpected delicacy.
Gaaya stared with horrified eyes as the capyx feasted on the unexpected delicacy.
A fat man alighted and, with the unexpected delicacy of the very fat, nimbled across the road, his belt buckle riding high on his belly.
The contents of the various vehicles offered us starved warriors unexpected delicacies.
The nearest hog snuffled once and immediately began devouring the unexpected delicacy.
David Browne of Entertainment Weekly said the song has "an unexpected melodic delicacy."
Called a "Nifty," the semifrozen dessert had a creamy buoyancy that gave it an unexpected delicacy.
It's also conspicuous on the menu, where pasta dishes harbor unexpected delicacies and no meat is content to remain a simple chop.
She had not thought then about the children; she had thought about Stackpole who, despite the unexpected delicacy he had shown, was not a man she cared for.
She spun the nameless tank with unexpected delicacy around the shell crater gaping at the hillcrest.