As a result, the Radical Party is having an unexpected comeback in French politics.
He made an unexpected comeback to the 1987 World Cup team and played in two matches.
In 1993 Konchellah made an unexpected comeback when he won the B-race at the meeting in Zurich.
Gus returns as Andre's trainer and helps him make an unexpected comeback as a heavyweight.
Most disappointing to many network executives is the fact that all this turmoil is taking place even as the broadcasting business is staging an unexpected comeback.
Continuing a remarkable and wholly unexpected in-season comeback, Jones pitched a one-hitter.
He put the spark back in the eye of New Yorkers with his inspirational and completely unexpected comeback.
In April 2013, Marshall made an unexpected comeback, taking the field for club side Wakatipu, at the age of 39.
Mr. Delbanco ruefully follows the trail of financial desperation and repeated artistic failure, punctuated by unexpected comebacks, none of them remunerative.
A little more than a year ago, the old and vanishing American mythology of common-man virtue enjoyed an unexpected comeback - in the aftermath of 9/11.