Not only does he have a sordid past but he is also involved in some rather unethical activity.
He finds Shoaib at a party and slaps him in public for his unethical activities.
I think it's obvious to everyone present that you have been involved in some sort of unethical and very probably illegal activity.
Can directors ferret out improper, unethical or even fraudulent activities before things have gone too far?
The group drank and smoked, among other unethical activities.
But some executives say management should create an environment in which subordinates can report unethical activities.
He is not hesitant to fire employees who engage in unethical activities, even when it helps their cases.
They responded favorably to the now-familiar charges of unethical and illegal activities by those close to the President.
National Medical has said it has put an end to any unethical activities.
Many Internet service providers and European Union citizens are involved in unethical activities.