This was the first unequivocal proof that pterosaurs had a layer of fur.
In contrast to care of children, those who tend the very old have no unequivocal proof of their success in terms of a healthy developing body.
According to the Israeli new historian Benny Morris: "There is no unequivocal proof of a large-scale massacre at Tantura, but war crimes were perpetrated there."
If we wait until there's unequivocal proof that this is the cause of global climate change, it will be too late," he said.
No unequivocal and decisive proof has ever been presented to settle this controversy and it may never be resolved.
There are many different mutations described in LRRK2, however unequivocal proof of causation only exists for a small number.
Forensic experts don't expect to find unequivocal proof that poisonous metals have altered the course of history by weakening the minds of important leaders.
Now, at last, the Chief of the General Staff had his desired, unequivocal proof that Hitler was not bluffing, that he wanted war.
New guidelines set forth in a recent decision by the state's Court of Appeals require unequivocal proof of the intentions of a mentally incompetent patient to decline life-sustaining treatment.
Perhaps surprisingly, this is relatively rare in practice, perhaps because administrative failure is of less interest to populist elements of the media than personal scandal, and less susceptible to unequivocal proof.