The Gene revolution: GM crops and unequal development.
The economic North-South divide six decades of unequal development.
However, empirical research by Piazza argues that economics and unequal development have little to do with social unrest in the form of terrorism.
The unequal development of material culture and social organization perhaps fated the relationship to be an uneasy one.
This accumulation by dispossession leads to the unequal development that feeds the north-south divide.
Furthermore, our model of unequal development leads to poverty and indebtedness in these countries.
The rule of unequal development in the capitalist system is implacable, especially in times of crisis, during which contrasts are even more marked.
In order to halt this unequal development it is important that more structural funding is invested in this area.
The resulting inequality reinforced existing unequal development.
According to Trotsky, the unequal and combined development of different countries had an effect on the class structure of society.