Cast in the unenviable role of sport's younger brothers, both Italy and Bangladesh have spent the last decade striving for self-respect.
Zane Bonifay, once bosun, then storage steward, then bosun again, now found himself in the unenviable role of salvage foreman.
During his appearance, in contrast, Mr. Clinton seemed to be trying to make the most of his unenviable role as the candidate who still runs on issues and policies and positions.
This casts Trautman in the unenviable role of political mouthpiece, as he lectures the colonel about Soviet foreign policy.
Cast in the unenviable role of responding to the ever more frequent appeals for help from Vienna, Norman Bentwich decided to see for himself what needed to be done.
Although some acquitted themselves honorably in this unenviable role - and one lost his life to a Muslim hand grenade - the Dutch involvement as a whole was inglorious.
The Russians, who in some ways are responsible for the problem, have now to play the unenviable role of mediator.
Who would fall into that unenviable role?
Today the Americans have taken on that unenviable role.
General Bragg had given Cleburne the unenviable role of slowing down Hooker's pursuing force to allow Bragg to evacuate his tattered army to Georgia through Ringgold Gap.