The current administration has set no priority for education other than to issue platitudes and an unending series of stressful testing procedures.
The film is a seemingly unending series of non-epiphanies.
All that was needed was an unending series of victories over your own memory.
Chekov had no answer beyond yet another in an unending series of soul-searching sighs.
The $3.9 billion program began in the early 1990's and has had a nearly unending series of setbacks.
"I live with it," he said, during one of a seemingly unending series of interviews.
Nevertheless there were games occasionally that seemed an unending series of unprecedented events.
The term potential infinity refers to a mathematical procedure in which there is an unending series of steps.
And his administration has fallen victim to a seemingly unending series of political scandals.
Who wants to write an unending series of upbeat stories?