Note also, a person without a job has no revenue to spend and thus aggravates the unemployment situation.
It would allow financing by declaring the unemployment situation an emergency, as last year's budget act allows.
If, as seems likely, the unemployment situation doesn't change much in the coming months, you can expect a clamor for another stimulus package.
Career counselors say that their services for white-collar workers are needed now more than ever, thanks to the long-term unemployment situation.
The President's early, pre-inauguration plan, at $300 billion, increased given the particularly frustrating unemployment situation.
The only thing keeping us from going wild is the unemployment situation.
If you look at the unemployment situation in Mexico, this is still their only hope.
Think of what that will do to the unemployment situation since there are not enough jobs to go around now.
We have made no impact on the unemployment situation.
The report is even more interesting as it goes much beyond the unemployment situation of women as such.