Since the fall of Apartheid, increasing crime levels, unemployment and social pressure has led to a small migration of people towards the town.
High unemployment could lead to labor unrest and eventually to political instability at the top.
High unemployment, political violence, and public dissatisfaction with government policy led to the defeat of Manley's party in 1980.
The economy, jobs and unemployment led the list of most important issues for voters, with health care and education not far behind.
The ensuing poverty and unemployment led to disease and hunger.
At the same time, extensive unemployment and low wages led to starvation and poverty.
Widespread unemployment in England led 14000 boys, mainly aged between 15 and 17, to apply for the scheme.
But if we do, the unemployment that follows could lead to a social catastrophe.
Yet agricultural problems and urban unemployment led to increased migration to Europe for work.
The traditionalists continue to believe that unemployment below 5.5 percent or so, combined with strong growth, will lead to an upturn in inflation.