In Sao Paulo, the nation's economic heartland, unemployment doubled to 15.5 percent, or 1.5 million people.
Some economists say unemployment could double if calculated by American methods.
Anrig argues that economic factors are more likely responsible for Memphis's increase in crime, as male unemployment almost doubled between the years of 1990 and 2000.
But since then poverty rates have increased again, as unemployment has doubled, to almost 12 percent.
Though the city's unemployment has roughly doubled since December, it still stands at a paltry 3.3 percent.
According to official figures released today, unemployment in East Germany almost doubled between June and July.
By the end of 1930 unemployment had doubled to over two and a half million.
It says that unemployment has doubled in its area this year.
Meanwhile unemployment doubled to nearly 10%, with states such as California and Michigan especially hard hit.
As long-term unemployment has doubled over the last year, it has turned out that the Work Programme is not so big after all.