However, when unemployment declined between 1987 and 1990, the decline was greater for women than men.
Unemployment has been constantly declining by 5% over the last 7 years.
The inflation rate is down to 2.8 percent, and unemployment has been gradually declining.
Inequality is still very high, but poverty and unemployment have declined by a third.
Unemployment declined from 8.8% in 1963, to 5.2% on 1966.
After that, unemployment declined, and by October 1996, the number of welfare recipients was down to 11.8 million.
Sure, European unemployment has declined from 12 percent in the mid-90's to an average of 9 percent today.
Unemployment has declined and wages have risen every month since last January.
Unemployment declined to 5.2 percent in March after nine months at 5.3 percent.
After all, unemployment, which was 4.5 percent last August, has declined to 4.2 percent.