Mr. Sakaguchi said unemployment did not cause any great financial difficulty because his wife is from a wealthy family.
John Rigg experienced poverty and unemployment and this caused 'his private revolution'.
Earlier, recruiting specialists inside and outside the Government had thought that unemployment caused young people to enlist.
In particular many pointed to growing social unrest, crime and unemployment caused in part by the government's structural adjustment policies.
High unemployment caused some of the population to move away as the riverside industries closed down in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
High unemployment and lack of prospects cause social discontent, which feeds radical political forces.
Thus, business will be lost and unemployment caused in the small business sector.
Macro was full of theories like "low unemployment causes inflation" that never quite stood up to reality.
High unemployment caused great animosity towards him, especially from the left.
Keynes had only predicted that falling unemployment would cause a higher price, not a higher inflation rate.