Children beg for food in the streets, and groups of unemployed adults congregate on corners in poor neighborhoods.
General assistance, also known as city welfare, provides aid to single, unemployed adults who do not qualify for other state or for Federal programs.
People usually know better than to ask an unemployed adult for a report on the job search, or to pat the bellies of pregnant women.
They add that the hospitality industry is providing job training for hundreds of high-school students and unemployed adults.
This model has been developed and continues to run successfully among its main target group, unemployed young adults between 18-35 years old.
China has 10 times the population of Japan, with more unemployed adults in rural areas than the entire American work force.
Enterprise Ulster provides training and work related experience for long term unemployed adults.
Potential candidates are mostly employed workers and unemployed young adults.
When word spread that hundreds of unemployed, able-bodied adults would soon lose food stamps, this city's advocates took to the streets.
He eliminated the general assistance welfare program, which provided grants to unemployed adults without children.