Her parents, though uneducated, were also bright.
I suspect that the real problem is uneducated parents simply not taking the initiative to spend the time and (minimal) money required on this.
More than 40 years ago, I was the child of poor and uneducated parents.
- Los Angeles, California - 4 days ago low uneducated black parents, with dollar signs in their eyes and the fools who make them rich.
This deprivation led to self-perpetuating poverty as uneducated (and therefore poor) parents removed their children from school so that they could help support the family.
If you ask my poor and uneducated parents why they wanted 10 children when they could not afford to raise just one, their answer would be, It was God's will.
Ashamed of his poor, uneducated parents, he has sworn since he was young that he will change his own fate.
A good education, therefore, is not ruled out by poverty, uneducated parents or crime - and drug-infested neighborhoods.
-comparison between those of educated and uneducated parents.
It is the harrowing story of a poor, sensitive young girl whose uneducated, alcoholic parents utterly fail her.