There was an unearthly calm about Miles Simon on the basketball court.
His unearthly calm was a little hard to take.
A great, unearthly calm had settled over Kirov as it always did immediately prior to spilling human blood.
Only Counselor Troi took the news with an unearthly calm, almost resignation.
Shuddering, she wished for a small portion of the unearthly calm she had seen in Lady Caitlin's eyes.
This unearthly calm had always been- the tranquil silence of eternity.
His face radiated unearthly calm.
The unearthly calm of the sequence is disturbing.
Seen from a high terrace at dusk, they were awesome, pervading the senses with a feeling of mysterious, unearthly calm.
Her eyes were closed, her countenance one of unearthly calm.