In early 2005, they filed suit, asserting that the system would give managers undue power to reward, punish and reassign employees.
But some senior Bush administration officials felt that process placed undue power in the hands of cautious, slow-moving foreign policy bureaucrats.
He broke with President Chehab, however, over what he saw as the granting of undue powers to the police.
But countries in the developing world say that this gives the most sophisticated powers undue advantage and could lead to intrusive spying.
According to the critics, Wolf is somehow wielding all this undue power without earning her consulting fee.
The governance of each church is arranged with a system of checks and balances so that undue power is never given to one office or individual.
Pension fund managers reject accusations that they wield undue power and destroy jobs to benefit distant shareholders.
They also say that it will give children undue power over their parents, allowing them to use threats of skipping school as a form of blackmail.
Many experts worry that publications such as the New England of Medicine may exercise undue power over data on medical research.
But there is also a suspicion of philanthrocapitalism by those who argue that the wealthiest, like him, have acquired unreasonable riches and undue power.