But Anthony Ofoegbu is the undoubted star of the show, garnering most of the laughs as the lovestruck modernising schoolteacher.
Tony was one of the undoubted stars of the review and became my invaluable right-hand man.
However the undoubted star was Arthur Negus, whose knowledge and enthusiasm made him a hit with viewers.
He was the undoubted star of the tour, being dubbed 'Will o' the Wisp' by the Australian press for his devastating play.
The undoubted star of the season was striker Ian Rush, who scored 32 goals in the league and 47 in all competitions.
He was the undoubted star of a young team which won promotion to the league.
Usain Bolt is the undoubted star, not just of Jamaica but arguably the whole London Olympics.
After scoring all four goals in a 4-0 away win against Corby Town for Hyde, he was described as an "undoubted star".
"No less compelling on the stage than the television screen, the Daleks are the undoubted stars of this futuristic adventure story," opened the piece.
He further hailed Campese as "our undoubted star" (Poidevin & Webster, 1991: 233).